History of Kudus City is inseparable from Sunan Kudus. Because of the expertise and knowledge, the Sunan Kudus was given the task to lead the Hajj, so he got the title "Haji Amir", which means people who control the affairs of the Jamat-Hajj. He never settled in Baitul Maqdis to learn Islam. When that there is endemic plague, so many people died. Thanks to the efforts Ja'far Shoddiq, these outbreaks can be eradicated.
For his services, the Amir in Palestine give the gift of diploma region, namely the provision of a local authority in the Palestinian controlled. The authorization written on stone, written with ancient Arabic letters, and now there are still intact above the Mihrab Menara Kudus Mosque (see pictures).
Role of Sunan Kudus
Sunan Kudus appealed to Amir Palestinian teacher as well as the authority to move the area to the island of Java. The petition can be approved and Jafar Shoddiq return to Java. Upon return, Ja'far Shoddiq set up in the area of the Holy Mosque in 1956 H or 1548 AD Originally named Al Manar or Masjid Al Aqsa, mimicking the name of the mosque in Jerusalem named Aqsa Mosque. The city of Jerusalem is also called Baitul Maqdis or al-Quds. Of said Al-Quds are then born of the Holy word, which is then used for the name of the Holy city right now. Previous probably named Loaram, and this name is still used as the name of the village Loram until now. Artificial Sunan Kudus Mosque is known as the Tower of the mosque in Kauman Kulon. Since Sunan Kudus live in that area, the number of Muslims increasingly so as the area around the mosque is named Kauman, which means the shelter of the Muslims.
There is folklore in the Holy of 'what society because the Holy hitherto not slaughter cows' ?. Before the arrival of Islam, the Holy and the surrounding area is a center of Hinduism. Formerly Sunan Kudus when thirst ever helped by a Hindu priest to be given cow's milk. So as gratitude, Sunan Kudus time it prohibits slaughter of cattle which in Hinduism, the cow is an animal that is glorified.
Anniversary of the Holy City
Anniversary of the Holy City in charge on 23 September 1549 M and regulated in the Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 11 of 1990 on the Holy Day in the published date of July 6, 1990 that in the era of Colonel Soedarsono Regent. The anniversary of the Holy City celebrated with parades, ceremonies, thanksgiving and several activities at the Al Aqsa / mosque tower followed with religious rituals such as prayer and tahlil.
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