10 Rural Tourism in Indonesia

Since 2012 Indonesia has recorded 967 tourism villages scattered throughout the country. Through PNPM (National Program for Community Empowerment) which has been developed since 2009 by Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, through this tourist village program, the local economic development expected will grown faster than the time planned.
Several criterias that used by PNPM mandiri tourism for rural tourist village are area that has potential and accessibility,
and there have been tourism activities previously.
here are 10 leading tourist villages in indonesia.

1. Pekraman Jasri village, Gianyar

Jasri Tourism Village is a beautiful village located in the Village Subagan, Karangasem District, Bali Province. The village with a population of about 2,711 inhabitants, divided in several activities of the population such as farmers, artisans, laborers, civil servants and self-employed. The village has a smaller community groups called "Banjar", numbering as many as 6 banjo. Nature village with customs and diverse cultural arts, makes this village has something different from the surrounding villages. Pekraman village was nominated as Jasri best tourist village in 2013.
With an area of ​​approximately 445.62 hectares, which is part of the old village center is a residential area, which is surrounded by fields and gardens with three sections of the river flow, has a row of hills along the south coast of the sea with great potential to make this village as regions tour. Moreover, coupled with the wealth of tradition, art and culture are still preserved, such as Culture "War of Fire (Terteran)", ceremonies - ceremonies, dance - traditional dance, art - craft and others provide more value for the village in its development into a village Travel.

2. Tourism Village of Dieng Kulon, Banjarnegara

Is one of the tourist destinations in Central Java which has the potential of nature tourism culture interesting and very unique. KWDTD was blend of natural and cultural attractions such noble precious relic temple, the mountain is an unforgettable memory. Dieng still respecting cultural traditions left by the ancestors give the sacred and mystical atmosphere in every ritual that held on by Dieng's local people. Plants produce, crafts, language and customs society of Dieng different than other regions, is what makes the uniqueness of the Dieng plateau.
Unique things contained in the Dieng Plateau is the presence of children dreadlocked. Gimbal hair grows by itself, the hair will be shaved if the child has asked itself with the proposed terms of the child and must be met if it is not, then then the hair will grow back. The shave process must be accompanied by ritual if not then the hair will grow again and can lead to a sickly child.
Dieng nature offering a million beauty that makes us appreciate the true nature like lake colors, Balekembang, Mount Bisma, Hill Sidengkeng, Candradimuka Crater, Mount Sikunir, Mount Pakuwaja. If you want to travel to Dieng tourists can stay at local's home, so tourists can also interact directly with the owner of the house and experience the original life Dieng. This village became the winner of the best tourist village elections in 2014.

3. Bejiharjo Tourism Village, Gunung Kidul

Tuesday, September 25, 2012, is the best time for citizens Bejiharjo Village because at the moment, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy reward Tourism Village of the Year 2012 to the village of Bejiharjo.
Bejiharjo itself is a village located in the district Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul District, which is only about 5 kilometers from the city center Wonosari. The village has the potential of art and cultural heritage as diverse as the World Sokoliman, Wayang Beber, apostleship, or These General Sudirman, and famous sights of Goa Pindul.

4. Brayut Tourism Village, Sleman

Cultural Tourism Village Brayut, Pendowoharjo, Sleman elected as the first winner of Village Tourism in 2011 which was held by the Department of Culture and Tourism. Brayut village is based on agriculture and tourism village offers natural beauty with cool air and pollution-free.
The tourists who came to this country will be invited together with the rhythm of life of local communities in the activities of a thick local wisdom, the wisatan will be invited to plowing fields, planting rice, citrus memtik in the garden, batik, dance and menyicipi tadisional culinary dishes.
Travelers who come to Brayut can use Joglo house for meetings and conference, which still maintained its authenticity. The village has 27 homestay with a capacity of 130 people, equipped with a bedroom and bathroom match the standard set pengelolas tourist village.

5. Tourism Village Karangbanjar, Purbalingga

Karangbanjar village, District Bojongsari, Purbalingga, came out as the winner of the first award tourist village in the framework of national tourism awareness movement and action of stepping 2010. The award was given by the Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik Ir, SE in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra.
Karangbanjar village beat 65 tourist villages in Indonesia were assessed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Winners II achieved Munduk, Banjar District, Buleleng, Bali Province. And the third winners achieved Kebonagung village, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region.
This Karangbanjar tourist village offers diverse craft that could make the traveler likes to make nature a very valuable souvenir. Because the craft of this village on average were made by hand (handmade).
Travelers who come to this village can enjoy a variety of entertainment available in natural or made by local people to pamper tourists who come to the village. Several entertainment available such as fishing pond, which is available fish that can be cooked immediately and provided a relaxing gazebo as a family or travelers who fishing there.
There are also a variety of vegetable and fruit's gardens of varioous kind. with a beautiful landscape of mount Slamet which exotic and charming. travelers can enjoy the view and take pictures. if they interested in they can buy fruit and vegetable by piking it directly.

6. Tourism Village Munduk, Buleleng

This village was awarded Second Place National Tourist village in 2010. The village Munduk become an ideal for travelers who need a quiet, scenic surroundings really beautiful and natural in her cool air of the mountains. Its location in the district of Banjar, Kab. Buleleng, North Bali, this village is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, so that the temperature range between 20-25 ° C, relatively cool. Being an ideal tourist spot for you to relieve tired, download refresh the mind from the daily routine. The surrounding area is lush and green, for those who are bored with the atmosphere of the coast / beaches this place will make your holiday atmosphere different terraces.
For the location, from the direction of Denpasar took about 2.5 hour journey through some of the attractions in Bali, such as Bedugul, lake Buyan and Tamblingan, across the twists and climbs, still relatively quiet street, colored views of the valley and the hills, fields and plantations really treat population charm, can rarely be found in other places. So the journey to the holiday atmosphere to the summit along with loved ones, became a distinct experience.
Arriving in the village of Munduk, beautiful scenery unfold before the eyes, plantation population consisted of coffee, clove and cocoa plantations in the valley as well as background atmosphere always seems verdant hills, the houses look is rather far apart from each other, quiet atmosphere, quiet and presenting kedamian, making visitors amazed on the Creator's work.
To be able to enjoy this area for more leverage there are many lodgings such as home stay, inns, bungalows and even home houses you can rent for overnight needs, the accommodation facilities feels at one with nature, the restaurant is also available. Feel the sensation, in the middle of beautiful nature, silence and calmness accompanied by the sound of night insects become the hallmark of this village. It will make your holiday more exclusive atmosphere.

7. Tourism Village Banjarsari, Kulonprogro

This village was awarded the second prize in 2012 by the Tourism Village Kemenparekraf. Tourism Village Banjarasri (Dewiasri) is located about 35 kilometers west of the city of Yogyakarta. The village is located in the hills Menoreh, Kulon Progo Regency is to eliminate fatigue. One offered by the village is unique natural conditions, fresh, beautiful, and green. In addition rustic feel that is still felt strong, rural communities have an agreement to maintain the culture, the beauty and cleanliness of the village and the hospitality at the visitors with the natural and human resources such as this, a tourist village Banjarsari afford the main attraction for tourism in Yogyakarta.
Dewiasri won second prize in the Best Indonesian village in 2012 and is entitled to receive an award from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) along with two other best tourist village, which is located in the village Bejiharjo Karangmojo District of Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta and East Village Kauman District of Pekalongan City Pekalongan, Central Java each as winners of one and three.

8. Panglipuran Tourism Village, Bangli
Awards ceremony Categories Best National Tourism Village, conducted on 27 September 2014 Jasri Karangasem Bali village, Bangli Regency was represented by Tourism Village Penglipuran. For the Province of Bali which entered the top ten represented Penglipuran and Village Tourism Village Tourism Penglipuran got Categories II National Champion after Village Tourism Dieng, Central Java.
Penglipuran village has existed since 700 years ago, ie at the time of the kingdom of Bangli. Residents of the area Bayung Gede in Kintamani moved into this village is now. Penglipuran name itself comes from the word meaning Pengeling temple shrine to remember the ancestors. All the physical development of the village and its cultural development still refers to ancestral land that still exist in Bayung. Even for certain traditional ceremonies still have the blessing to the ancestral lands.
Penglipuran is one of the villages that serve Destination Region (DTW) in Bangli district, ditujukkan for the local tourists and mancannegara, who want to see the distinctiveness and uniqueness of the Penglipuran village. This village, is one of the rural areas in Bali which has order and structure of the traditional village regularly. Arrangement structure Penglipuran village could not be separated from the culture upheld by indigenous peoples Penglipuran village which already applies hereditary. A blend of the traditional order with lots of open space beautiful landscape, which is such in shape by indigenous peoples since ancient Penglipuran village, making the tourists feel the nuances of Bali in antiquity, and harmony in the village Penglipuran not be separated from the concept of customized spatial with a spatial concept in the teachings of Hinduism. Penglipuran Village area is divided into three parts, called Tri Mandala.

9. Nglanggeran Tourism Village, Gunung Kidul

Tourism Village Nglanggeran Mt. Nglanggeran as an object model with the development of ecotourism, community empowerment, and has been visited by many tourists. The area is said to be the area that lithology of volcanic material prepared by parents and the landscape has a beauty that is geologically unique and very high scientific value. Based on the results of numerous studies and references, mountain Nglanggeran is an ancient volcano, whose existence long before the formation of Mount Merapi in Sleman regency.
Number of tourist attraction in the city was a desire to shift people to visit tourist villages, such as Country Nglanggeran, Pathuk district, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Objects of archaeological heritage and unique culture is still strong to make the villagers were able to attract tourists from home and abroad to learn the culture as well as recreation. There are two attractions in the village Nglanggeran, the ancient volcano and a large reservoir. Not hard to find in a tourist village Kalisong hamlet, village Nglanggeran, it.
The location is just 22 kilometers (km) of asphalted, the capital city of Gunung Kidul, or 25 kilometers from Yogyakarta. We can take the bus from Woodend to Nglanggeran costs around Rp 5,000 per person. An ancient volcano is a mountain of rock karst or limestone. Millions of years ago, it has been active. The mountain peaks are Mount Large in an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level, with a total area of ​​48 hectares of mountainous reaches.

10. Pentingsari Tourism Village, Sleman
Sleman, Yogyakarta Tourism Village Pentingsari world level awarded for its success in managing the tourism which is based on the application of the Code of Tourism World. This was conveyed by Acting Head of Culture and Tourism Sleman Aji Wulantara, SH, Wednesday, June 15, 2011 in his office Jl. KRT Pringgodiningrat Beran Sleman.
The award was given by the Chairman of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics Code (the World Committee on Tourism Ethics - WCTE) Dr. David Devillers, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 in the tourist village joglo Pentingsari. Also present on the occasion, former Minister of Culture and Tourism of RI Gde Ardika coordinator to disseminate the code of ethics of tourism in Indonesia, Director of Business Tourism Destination Development Director General Depbudpar Sujas Winarno, Chairman of the World Tourism Code Komote David de Villers and its members include Mrs. Sietske Grass, Mr. Benboom, Mrs. Diny Boom, Mr. Helmut Kruger, Mr. Haeguk Hwang, Ms. Marina Diotallevi, Mr. Igor Stefanofic, Mr. Allet Pellet.
David de Villers revealed that the tourist village Pentingsari already observed in accordance with the principles of the Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World, including the implementation of efforts to empower local communities or community-based tourism. It also maintained cultural wisdom and preservation of the environment to gain without causing damage.
Local communities as agents with the management of the tourist village can benefit economically while still retaining the good local knowledge and socio-cultural environment of its natural environment. On the other hand tourists who come to the tourist village not only to see the local potential offered. But can do something that offers a direct experience memorable. In addition to the tourist village where tourists can also encourage local people to be more caring and maintaining the authenticity of the natural and cultural traditions.

1 Response to "10 Rural Tourism in Indonesia"

  1. Thank you for this well summarised insight of rural tourism locations in Indonesia. I live rural tourism and would love to visit all these locations, they appear serene. Is it possible to get rented vehicles to these places, I would like to travel with my family (kids) included, are there any kids friendly activities in these locations as well?


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